Precious and semi-precious gemstones are one of the oldest and most effective ways of utilizing the healing force crystals. They are recorded as the symbols of good luck, maintaining balance, focus, centeredness, mental clarity as well as, physical and emotional stability.
These gemstones can be worn as jewelry including necklaces, bracelets, rings, brooches and pins. They have adorned crowns on Emperors, robes on Queens and even the breastplate of Aaron.
Take your time on reading the meaning of these precious and semi-precious stones.
Color Stones
Citrine: A lucky, protection stone. Cheerfulness, control over emotions, clear thought, overcomes mental blocks. These stones possess energies that will enhance your ability to have money flow in your direction.
Emerald: Used to attract love and increase passion. Meditation, healing, business success, it totally rejects evil; gives power to foretell future events, a link with spiritual forces.
Amethyst: Protection, spiritual attunement, gives visions or opens spiritual and psychic centers, reduces mental tension, induces pleasant healing dreams, prevents over indulgence and encourages transformation and breaking of bad habits.
Aquamarine: Gives one direction in life and spiritual visions, lifts ones spirit, calms the nerves, protection at sea.
Sapphire: Associated with peace and happiness, and believed to help with communication, insight, intuition, inspiration, and prayer.
Ruby: Spiritual wisdom, focuses mental concentration on a specific thing, confidence – stone of life and energy.
Topaz: For contacting astral beings, develops psychic abilities, gives glimpses of the beyond, overcomes fear of death, restores sense of taste, stimulates appetite, calms emotions, relieves tension, restores physical protection from falls and drowning.
Sapphire Diamond Ring
Emerald and Ruby Diamond Ring